Table of Contents
Modern Mix Soil
Renewing Soil
Integrated Pest Management
Seed / Clone Juice
Modern Beginnings Inoculation
10 Week Schedule
Modern Mix V2.0
This is my personal soil blend It’s fairly simple to make, doesn’t require more than 12 days time to be ready to use, and is was created for Probiotic/No-Till methodology. It’s also quite economical, once you factor in multiple generations growing with it vs buying new soil every round. And of course, for those of you that are busy, you can buy Modern Mix over at BuildASoil. Oh, and on this page when it calls for an amendment or tea ingredient I use buildasoils brand unless otherwise noted. I do recommend their ingredients incredibly highly.
When finished preparing Modern Mix spray it down with Modern Beginnings, and then when it’s dried up to where it’s loamy / spongy and not over saturated with water, it’s ready to use.
- Base Soil:
- 2 CuFt Sphagnum moss
- 1 CuFt Pumice
- 1 CuFt lava rock
- 1 CuFt Modern Beginning charged Biochar (thick pieces)
- 1 CuFt Rice Hulls
- 2 CuFt Humus composed of 1/3 Compost(Olly Mountain or Malibu Compost) and 2/3 EWC, and
- If on hand throw in a few handfuls some probiotic herbs – comfrey, nettle, dandelion, etc..
- Amendments:
- 1/2 cup organic Neem meal
- 1/2 cup organic Kelp meal
- 1/2 cup organic Crustacean meal
- 1/2 cup organic insect frass
- 1/3 cup Gro-Kashi
- 1/3 cup Karanja Meal
- 1/4 cup of fish bone meal
- 1/16th cup of Modern Microbes
- 3 cups of some Rock/Mineral Mix
- (Per cu.Ft of Base Soil)
- (Rock/Mineral Mix)
- 2 part Oyster Shell Flour
- 2 part Gypsum
- 1 parts Glacial Rock Dust
- 1 part Basalt
- 1 part Calcium Bentonite
Recycling Top Dress for Modern Mix
When you finish your plant leave the stump for 2 / 3 days, then give it a good rip out. It’ll leave a sizeable hole, simply plop you next plant in the whole and topdress this recycling mix, then water in with Modern Beginnings. Throw the stump into a bokashi bin to make some awesome fungal compost.
- Normal Recycling Mix
- 6 cups of EWC (with comfrey mixed in if possible)
- 1/2 cup kelp meal
- 1/2 cup organic Neem meal
- 1/2 Cup Karanja Meal
- 1/3 Cup Insect Frass
- 1/3 cup crustacean meal
- 1/16th cup Modern Microbes
- 2 cups rock/mineral mix
- (Per 2 cuFt of soil)
- Additional Recycling Mix – Only to be used every third recycling of the soil in addition to the normal Recycling Mix
- 4 cup EWC
- 4 cup sphagnum moss
- 1/2 cup organic insect frass
- 1/2 cup crustacean Meal
- 1/3 cup Gro-Kashi
- 1/3 cup of fish bone meal
- 1/16th cup of Modern Microbes
- 1 cup of rock mix
- (per 2 Cu Ft)
- (Note from LOS forum -> When breaking up the sphagnum moss break it up by hand, and then use a pump sprayer to moisten it with aloe and water. I generally take my time and spray, mix, spray, mix, etc until it’s well hydrated. Then I measure it out in the same container I use to measure the compost/ewc and aeration)
IPM stands for integrated pest management. I’d recommend spraying your plants with some variant of this twice a week in veg. I like to give them a pure water spray down every fourth foliar just to keep them from building up any residue. Give two clean water spray down’s prior to switching to flower.
Modern IPM
- Natural Mystic (from Dragonfly Earth Medicine) – 1.5 TSP per Gallon RO water, left to sit overnight in a dark space at 76 – 82 degrees. Do not add anything else to this yet, let it sit by itself overnight.
- Insect Frass – 1.5 TSP per Gallon RO water, added two hours before spray to the Natural Mystic Solution. Do not add anything else to this, let it sit two hours.
- Essential Oil Blend (from BuildASoil) – 1 TSP per Gallon RO added right before use.
- Lavender Essential Oil – 1 TSP per 2.5 Gallon RO added right before use.
- Aloe Vera Powder (from BuildASoil) – 1 TSP per Gallon RO added right before use
- EM-1 / LAB (Homemade, recipe coming soon) – 1 TBS per gallon RO added right before use
- AgSil16 (from BuildASoil or KisOrganics) – 1.5 TSP per gallon RO added absolutely LAST
- Neem Oil (Cold Pressed, from BuildASoil) – 1 TSP per 2.5 gallon of RO water added right before use. (Only use Neem and Karanja Oil if you feel needed, such seeing the very beginning stages of plant warning signs others omit it)
- Karanja Oil (Ahimsa Organics Karanja Oil – OMRI Listed) – 1 TSP per 2.5 gallon of RO water added right before use. (Only use Neem and Karanja Oil if you feel needed, such seeing the very beginning stages of plant warning signs others omit it)
- Make sure the water is about 85 degree now (If possible). Shake / Stir everything until some foam appears on the top on the water. This will show the AgSil 16 / Aloe are emulsifying everything.
- If using HPS/MH water before lights off anytime you use Neem / Karanja Oil.
ACT stands for aerated compost tea, and it’s invaluable in feeding your plants. Not only can you provide them with high bacterial/protozoan colony, you are giving them the nutrients in a available from without chelation (and with as long as you watch out for certain things, without salts).
SST stands for sprouted seed tea and it’s just as useful as an ACT and even more powerful. You you utilize seed your tapping into huge wells of enzyme (a catalyst for further process, which acts by lessening the energy required form microlife to perform their task), and natural hormones. With these you can really help shape the plant, improve it’s vigor, and really enliven the microlife in the soil.
- Alfalfa SST
- Super Sprouted Tea Version 2.0: (Credit to some old Coot – and copied from BaS)
- 28 Grams Alfalfa Seed (1 Ounces)
- Soak for 8 hours with Clean Water
- Should now weigh minimum 42 Grams (If not soak longer)
- Sprout seeds until tail is as long as the seed or about 1-2 days.
- Blend in a food blender or whatever you have with a little bit of water to help it blend. Add this to 5 gallons of water
- Barley SST
- Super Sprouted Tea Version 2.0: (Credit to some old Coot – and copied from BaS)
- 56 Grams Barley Seed (2 Ounces)
- Soak for 8 hours with Clean Water
- Should now weigh minimum 84 Grams (If not soak longer)
- Sprout seeds until tail is as long as the seed or about 1-2 days.
- Blend in a food blender or whatever you have with a little bit of water to help it blend. Add to 5 gallons of water
Seed / Clone Juice
I’ve been asked a number of time what I do for my clones / seeds. I do not use rooting gel/powder as they have been shown to stick around in the final smoke, and not be something that’s even needed. So instead here’s what I use:
- Water with no chlorine – 1 Gallon
- Aloe Vera 200x Organic Powder (from build a soil) – 2 TSP
- Coconut Water – 1 TSP
- Ful-Power – 1/2 TBS
- Modern Microbes – 1 TSP
- Put all of this into the gallon of water a shake super well. Pour into a bowl and dip Rooter Riot plugs. When done pore excess water into tray, as the rooter riot will soak this up over time and with the PNSB your won’t get algae. Cover with humidity dome / light. Keep warm but not hot. Voila, beautiful roots, nearly as fast as in a hydro cloner (yet this can be stay unplugged and not need checked on for days)
Modern Beginnings
This tea serves to inoculate the soil with a lot of microbial / fungal strains when it’s fresh or being recycled. It is essential.
- Brewed Ingredients (Long – brew 24 hours):
- 1/3 Cup of Organic Kelp Meal (BuildASoil)
- Brewed Ingredients (Short – only add 2 hours before spraying tea (add 22 hours in):
- Alfalfa SST (1/2 strength)
- Non Brewed Ingredients (Add once done brewing)
- 5 Ounces of EM-1 (Homemade LAB works perfect)
- 1/2 Ounce of Ful-Power
- 4 TSP of Modern Microbes
- (All of Modern Beginnings goes together in a 5 gallon container)
- Spray down Modern Mix for initial inoculation, or water in when transplanting in the recycling process.
Modern Methods 10 Week Schedule
RockyMountainEarthWormCo is my preferred EWC source. if not available / too expensive check out BuildASoils Earthworm Casting, also high quality.
10 Week Bloom Schedule
Apply one Alfalfa SST 3 days after switching to flower
Week 1 Top Dress –
Take 2cuFt of EWC (Make a barley sst w/ flax ground in when when grinding the barley SST and add to water and spray down the EWC first) then once damp add
1/3 cup Neem seed powder
1/3 cup Karanja cake
2/3 cup crustacean meal
2/3 cup Insect Frass
1 cup Gypsum
3 cups oyster shell flour
1/2 Cup Basalt
1&1/2 cups of dried comfrey
4 TSP of Modern Microbes
Mix all of that into the EWC and apply an even 1 – 2 ” layer on each pot.
Week 1 Tea –
Half Strength DEM Fat Flowers (Half what is called for on the container)
1/4 cup Organic Kelp
1/3 cup Insect Frass
1/4 Cup Molasses
All brewed 24 – 40 hours then add 1/3 cup EM1, and lastly 2 tsp Aloe Vera Inner Fillet Powder
( For 5 gallon of tea )
Week 1 Other Waterings –
2 tsp of aloe vera inner fillet powder
1 tsp coconut water powder
1 TSP of AgSil16
1 ounces of EM-1
(All per every 5 gallon, to be used every watering when not using tea)
Week 2 Top Dress – Lightly add some sucanat
Week 2 Other Waterings –
2 tsp of aloe vera inner fillet powder
1 tsp coconut water powder
1 tsp of AgSil16
1 ounces of EM-1
(All per every 5 gallon, to be used every watering when not using tea)
Week 2 Anaerobic (non brewed-lid kept on) Tea –
Apply one Grokashi Tea this week (as directed on packaging)
Week 2 SST –
Apply one Corn SST this week
Week 3 Other Waterings –
2 tsp of aloe vera inner fillet powder
1 tbs molasses
1 tsp coconut water powder
1 TSP of AgSil16
1 ounces of EM-1
(All per every 5 gallon, to be used every watering when not using tea)
Week 3 Apply once
1 TSP Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)
(Per 5 gallons)
Week 3 Anaerobic (non-brewed) Tea –
Apply one Insect frass tea at 1/3 cup per 5 gallon
Apply one Grokashi Tea this week (as directed on packaging)
Week 3 SST –
Apply a Corn SST at end of the week
Week 4 Other Waterings –
2 tsp of aloe vera inner fillet powder
1 TSP of AgSil16
1 ounces of EM-1 per 5 gallon every watering when not using tea)
Week 4 Tea –
3/4 Strength DEM Fat Flowers powder
1/3 cup Insect Frass
1/4 Cup Molasses
At the end of this brew time, add sprouted barley/corn to this tea and brew 2 more hours, then add 2 tbs Aloe Vera Inner Fillet Powder
All brewed with 5 gallon water
Week 4 Top dress –
Take 2cuFt of high quality EWC and add
3 cups of oyster shell flour
1 cup of gypsum
1/2 cup of fish bone meal
1/4 cup fish meal
1/3 cup sucanat
1/3 cup Grokashi then cover the pots so they don’t have air flowing over the top
4 TSP of Modern Microbes
Week 5 Other Waterings
2 tsp of aloe vera inner fillet powder
1 tsp coconut water powder
1 tsp of AgSil16
1 ounces of EM-1
(All per every 5 gallon, to be used every watering when not using tea)
Week 5 Apply Once –
2/3 cups oyster shell flour per 5 gallon
Week 5 Anaerobic (non-brewed) Tea –
Apply one Insect frass tea at 1/3 cup per 5 gallon
Apply one Grokashi Tea this week (as directed on packaging)
Week 5 SST
Apply a corn/barley SST at end of the week
Week 6 water with RO water, other than one watering with 1/4 cups oyster shell flour, and 1/3 cup sucanat per 5 gallon
Week 6 Anaerobic (non-brewed) Tea –
Apply one Insect frass tea at 1/3 cup per 5 gallon
Apply one Grokashi (anaerobic) Tea this week (as directed on packaging)
Week 7 water with plain RO water, other than one watering beginning of the week with 2/3 cups oyster shell flour, 1/3 cup gypsum, and 1/3 cup sucanat per 5 gallon
Week 8 water with RO water with 1/6th cup of EM-1
Week 9 water with RO water with 1/6th cup of EM-1
Week 10 water with plain RO water